Only one God exists, the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    The Bible is God’s Word and everything it says is true without error.
    All people are sinful and have offended God by disobeying His will.
    Jesus Christ has taken God’s anger away by being punished for our sins on the cross.
    God accepts us and loves us through faith, for the sake of Jesus Christ who rose from the dead on the third day.
    God changes people’s lives and brings us to Christ through His Word and through Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
    All Christians love God and want to serve Him with their lives.


Sunday School takes place during Bible Study, every Sunday at 10:15 AM

Adult, High School and College Age meet for an in-depth study of the Bible, prayer and fellowship.

Children’s Sunday School involves singing, bible stories and crafts and is geared toward younger children.  We meet at 10:15 AM every Sunday.

We have a very active youth group at Messiah Lutheran Church.  Past events have included service projects, bible study, and youth retreats. 

Messiah 101 (our new member class) is held annually and lasts several months. It is open to people considering membership, but also to members who want a refresher or to the just plain curious. Please contact Messiah’s office to get information on the next Messiah 101 Class.


Hygiene Help

On one Saturday a month, Messiah Lutheran hosts Hygiene Help at Downey First Christian Church (corner of 4th street and La Reina) from 8:30AM-12:30PM.  This is in conjunction with Downey First’s Food Help, which takes place in the same lot.  There is a lot of need out there, and this is a good way for us to beyond simply throwing money at the anonymous poor and to begin to get to know them face to face – even as friends.  Distribution dates are announced in the Events Calendar

We can always use more volunteers.  We can also always use more Hygiene Items.  If you would like to join us in distribution, or would like to assist in gathering items for Hygiene Help, call Messiah’s Church office (562)-923-1215.

Hygiene Help Items Needed:  Combs, Nail Clippers, Deodorant, Shampoo, Conditioner, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Floss, Feminine Hygiene Items, Soap, Razors and Shaving Cream. (There is a box in the entrance to the sanctuary marked “Hygiene Help”)

Special Events

We have events throughout the year that require a lot of help.  Check out the following list of dates and events to see if anything matches your interest:

5th Sundays of Each Month —- We have a luncheon at Church after the service.  We always need help with food and set up.

Vacation Bible School – It’s free and it’s great.  We registered 40 children last year and had a wonderful time sharing the Gospel and getting to know our new friends.  This event is usually held during the last week of July during the evening.

Church Picnic – The last Sunday in July is always VBS Sunday and our annual church picnic in Furman park, featuring great food and our annual kickball tournament.

Halloween Funfest – Every October 31, we host our Funfest – putting on games, an bouncy castle and more food and candy (for free) than you can fit in your trick or treat pale.

December – A busy month.  We do Christmas Caroling to the sick and shut-in, host Wednesday evening services in preparation for the birth of our Lord and put on a beautiful Christmas concert featuring organ, strings and brass.  Of course, we also celebrate the birth of our Lord with a very special evening service on Christmas Eve.

Small Group Leader/Host

We average around two or three in-home small groups a year.  If you are interested in joining, leading or hosting, please let Gail, our church office administrator know.  Previous books: Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Gospel According to Matthew, Messy Spirituality by Mike Yaconelli, Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne, and Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis.

Sunday School

If you are gifted in teaching children, we can always use more Sunday School teachers.  Every week, our young people sing songs, learn a bible lesson and do a craft to reinforce that lesson.  If you would like to help – either as a teacher or as a teacher’s assistant, contact pastor Bruce.

Jr. and Sr. High Youth

Richard Schmieg currently heads up our Jr. and Sr. High youth group here at Messiah, but we can always use extra role models and leaders to assist.  If you are interested in helping out, please call our office.  The youth meet once a week (currently Fridays at 3:30pm) and occasionally go on various excursions and service opportunities. Our biggest event of the year (that we all look forward to) is the annual Big Bear Youth Retreat.


Making visitors feel welcome and welcoming current members with a warm face and a ready bulletin is actually a really important and easy way to serve.  The greeters set the tone for those entering and leaving the worship of God.   Contact the Gail at the church office if you are interested in learning more about becoming a greeter.  562-923-1215

Lutheran Woman’s Missionary League

The LWML is a longstanding group committed to raising money for overseas missions and various projects more locally. The LWML has regular meetings involving not only the coordination of missionary support and fund raising, but also entailing Christian community, devotions, special speakers, and meals.  A great time is always to be had with other Christian women interested in serving the church and spending time encouraging one another in life and faith.  If you are interested in learning more, contact Beth Hauser via email at rbroker@ca.rr.com or visit the national website for LWML at http://lwml.org/.


Voice and Instrument

We are constantly looking for  people with musical gifts who have the time and desire to participate in special events and in worship services.  Our weekly services are accompanied by a great staff of talented musicians who play organ, piano, and guitar.  If you’re interested, please contact Richard. 562-923-1215 or raschmieg (at) gmail.com

Something is Missing…

We are always looking for new opportunities for serving and working together as the Body of Christ.  If you have an opportunity or a special skill set and would like to add something to our current list, we would absolutely welcome your suggestions.  It might be a special event, a perceived need in the community, a new bible study group, whatever.  Please contact our church office (562) 923-1215.

Messiah Lutheran Church, 10711 Parmount Blvd Downey, CA 90241 | Phone 562.923.1215 | Fax 562.923.9211 | Emergency 562.417.7211 | Email: messiahdowney@gmail.com

© 2016 Messiah Lutheran Church.