Getting More Involved

Living out our identity as the Body of Christ takes all of us, Using our gifts and resources and recognizing where and how we can help. Is there anything on this list of Messiah ministries and opportunities that you might like to take part in or contribute to? Please prayerfully consider.

Assistance on Sunday

The lector is the person who reads one of the Scripture lessons during the worship service. We are looking for people with good reading and speaking skills so that God’s Word can be proclaimed clearly and without distraction.
Greeters are the face of the congregation before worship, letting everyone know that they are welcome in God’s house. The greeters stand in the narthex near the guest book and greet all who enter, encouraging visitors to sign the guest book and letting them know about the children’s quiet bags, nursery care, Sunday School and any other events going on that day.
Ushers rare responsible for handing out bulletins as people enter the sanctuary for the worship service in a manner that makes members, guests and visitors know that they are welcome. When the service is beginning, the ushers are responsible for shutting the doors to the narthex (and opening them again when the service is over). They are also responsible for collecting the offering.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is responsible for the altar and liturgical paraments: making sure they are all :clean, in place and ready for the service. Duties are shared among. the guild so that one person is ideally not doing all of it.
Sunday School Teachers
We offer both adult and children’s Sunday School at Messiah and are always in need of more teachers and teacher’s assistants. If you have gifts in this area and a strong background in the Bible and Lutheran theology (m the case of teachers), we could certainly use you.
Vocalist/ Instrumentalist
Are you musically inclined? If so, we could definitely use you! We are constantly looking out for potential soloists and additional instrumentalists to complement the worship service.
Projector Person
We use volunteers to run the service projection on the screen during worship. This requires minimal training and the simple press of a button (no advance technical knowledge required.) If you do have technical computer skills and are interested pastor could also use a hand putting together the projection slides for Sunday worship and would be glad to work
Coffee Prep
We are always in need of people to make the coffee we enjoy after services:. This is simply a matter of making the coffee and hot water, setting up the coffee cart on the patio (if it isn’t there already), and making sure it is properly Stocked..

Messiah’s Care and Service Ministries

Hygiene Help
Once every 5 weeks, we distribute hygiene items to 200-300 people who are currently homeless or in need. This is a very important ministry with a number of areas to get involved. From logging donations, to soliciting new donations to distributing the items every fifth saturday, we could definitely use your help.
Lutheran Social Services
We collect clothing and lightly used items for a thrift store run by Lutheran Social Services. (The collection barrel is in the narthex.) The position of sorting and delivering the items to Long Beach is currently filled, but we can always use help collecting more items. Messiah also has periodic canned-food drives and could use help both collecting items and delivering those items to LSS headquarters in Long Beach.
We collect manufacturer coupons(up to 2 mo. expired) to distribute to military families overseas. Help by clipping, sorting (food vs. non-food) and bringing them to the office.
Handy Man
If your talents include painting, carpentry, gardening, construction, household repair or electrical work, please let the office know. We would be happy to use some of your skills from time to time in maintaining our building.
Greeting Cards
We partner with St. Jude’s Ranch for children by collecting used to greeting cards at the office and sending them to the ranch where children paste them on new stock card-stock and sell them as new greeting cards to raise money for the invaluable services provided there.
Pull Tabs
You can help families with sick children find a home away from home by saving aluminum pull tabs from cans. Put the tabs in a baggie and turn them in to the church office when full. The tabs are then be sent to the nearest Ronald McDonald House.
Eyeglasses and Cases
Messaih collects used eyeglasses and cases and sends them to St. Mary’s Low Vision Center for those who cannot afford new prescriptions.
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League(LWML) is a special organization of Lutheran Women who have regular gatherings fo encouraging and equipping one another for Christian life and mission, while also orchestrating numerous ministries, missions, and service projects locally and around the world. Contact Beth Hauser for more information.
From original artwork for worship and published materials to calligraphy for special occasion certificates, we could certainly use a hand from anyone with artistic talent.

Messiah’s Fellowship and Spiritual Growth Ministries

To stay connected with our sick and shut-ins, we orchestrate regular Visitation Teams consisting of two or three people who agree, for a period of six months, to receive one or two assignments a month, who they will go and visit.
Youth Group
We have an active Youth Group at Messiah. We are always wanting to welcome new youth into the group and also to use the help of adults with the gift of connecting with young people and a desire to grow in the faith with them.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is always the last full week in July from 6-8PM. This is a big outreach opportunity for our congregation and we can use a diverse group of volunteers with different gifts – craft coordinators, game leaders, teachers, assistants, story tellers, decorators , snack-person, etc.
Phone Chain
Whenever there is an emergency need for prayer or information , Messiah initiates our emergency phone chain. People involved in the phone chain receive and pass on occasional emergency messages so that everyone in the community who desires to be made aware of such things can stay informed.
Cradle Roll
We want to be sure that new parents are immediately connected with resources and guidance when they have a child. People involved in Cradle Roll put together and distribute Christian resources, baptism information and helpful literature for parents and families at the birth of a child.
Fellowship Dinner Help
Every 5th Sunday we have only one worship service followed by a fellowship dinner. We always need help with setup, food-prep and tear down. Let us know if we can add your name to the list of people willing to help make these occasions possible.

Messiah Lutheran Church, 10711 Parmount Blvd Downey, CA 90241 | Phone 562.923.1215 | Fax 562.923.9211 | Emergency 562.417.7211 | Email:

© 2016 Messiah Lutheran Church.